Saturday, October 10, 2009

ept 8dp3dt - update

Thanks guys. I know its early but ...well, y'know. The good thing about today, I went to WW and I lost 3.6 pounds. Bye bye L.upron.
I feel like AF will start any moment. And that gives me hope. Silly me. Ah silly me.

Not even a hint of a line.
I'm not surprised but my heart has broken


  1. I'm sorry sweetie, but it is still early. I know a few people who didn't get a positive until 11dp3dt. Don't lose hope yet, but do hug you husband very tightly!

  2. You are right on the edge of it being too early.

    I know that does not make you feel any better. Please hang in there. (hug)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (Let's try this again) I'll chime in and remind you that it IS early, and so there is still hope for this cycle to work out. That said, now you have more doubt and fear and all of those fucking emotions that rush over you every time you see the lack of a line. I'm sorry that's where you find yourself, because it sucks. Try to do something this weekend that makes you -- not the IF you, but you -- feel good.

  5. Oh hon, I'm sorry. But it is too early to tell for sure, I hate those stupid sticks! The one time I used them they nearly drove me mad - and I was, in fact, pregnant that time! So maybe a good sign? Sending the best wishes your way, hang in there.

  6. I agree with everyone else, I think it's still too early. Don't trust the HPT's this early in the game. Besides, we're on so many stinkin' drugs that it could cause the sticks to lie. I'm hoping and praying for you this cycle. xxoo

  7. I don't believe it. Try again tomorrow and remember that those sticks require a baseline threshold level of HCG to trigger a positive. You may simply just be a little below the threshold today. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Be extra gentle with yourself today.

  8. i am still holding out hope for you. it is early!

  9. I was in your same boat just a few days ago. I am also doing IVF DE and I POAS at 6dp5dt and nothing (just a baseline but stupid), then at 8dp5dt and got a faint blue line then at 10dp5dt and got a BFN! My beta was the next day on 10/09/09 and my Beta was a 319! Goes to show you these sticks can be inaccurate so don't read so much into it. Wait on the BETA for the final answer. And yet I still feel like AF is coming, this little nagging throbbing so don't worry about that either. Hang in there.

  10. I hate infertility! But as others have said, try to hold on for the beta - praying you get a positive surprise. Just know you're not alone ... we're thinking of you!!! (hugs)

  11. I'm so sorry. I absolutely hate it when the test is so white that you can't even pretend there is a line.

    I'm really hoping that you get a pleasant surprise. I think you have a legitimate reason to have hope. It is still early.
