Thursday, July 2, 2009

Still reeling

I am so frikkin' excited still. A donor!!! I wrote a post about who she was but then I thought, wait, the kids to be don't know yet. So I decided not to go there. What I can say is she is the right age, the right background and she is proven. She decided to donate because her brother and SIL are infertile and they use donor eggs. Twins, they have twins.

I know that DE is not a guarantee my heart is racing and I am totally all over the damn place.

Thank you for all your comments and excitement.It is great to be able to share this.

I was told that we could be in transfer in August depending on the other couple. We get a match packet in a week or so with instructions and timing etc. Of course, I am supposed to visit Europe in August which we may have to cancel but that is a nothing.

This is one of the best feelings in the world.


  1. HOW GREAT!!!!
    I can't believe you got matched so soon. EB, you're gonna be pregnant by fall.

    How incredibly cool.
    Happy happy happy kate

  2. I am so happy to hear you on top of the world again. It is exciting and I hope you can do it August. I mean next month. I mean, in like 30 days or so. Not that anyone's counting or anything. :)

  3. What absooo-fabulous news. A proven donor. What an angel. If you are planning to transfer in August, we may even be cycle buddies. WOOT!

  4. wow! how friggin' EXCITING!!! amazing actually!

    does cornell put you through testing before you transfer? (ie clotting disorders etc.)

    I can't wait for you to join our cornell grads group! woohoo!
