Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 4 - update: OK OK Unccle!!

I went back to bed and slept till now (9am) and when I read your comments I burst out laughing!! So THIS is what its like to have sisters. Thank you dear friends for the tough love. You are right and I shall ignore "it" ever happened.
'Sides, I am enjoying my time in.
Thank you!


I POAS. The test was not too old - it had an expiration date late 2010


I found a study on line that indicates that most women with 5 day transfers got BFP's on day 4.

I haven't given up all hope but I am disappointed. I guess I should wait for the blood work on the 24th but I know I won't. Not now. Just have to work out how to get the pee sticks. If I ask DH he will say no since he prefers to ignore the whole thing. I shall call the pharmacy and get them delivered.

Wow. 5x5 and it might not have worked. What is wrong with me?


  1. It is way too early! Why in the world would you test on day 4pt? EB - stop your self-doubting. You did yourself a big disservice by testing so dang early. That is the equivalent of testing on day 6 after a 3dt - c'mon girlfriend!!! Nothing is wrong with you - well except allowing yourself to test so early. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but I'm mad that you would do that to yourself and allow those seeds of doubt to be planted. Lay back and think happy thoughts. You are pregnant dangit!

  2. Stop it right now. It is far too early!! Please rest up and think positive thoughts. (hugs)

  3. I agree with Soapchick and Shelli - too early! Give your little embies time to settle in and make themselves at home and in the meanwhile, you rest and relax as much as you can.

  4. Are you nuts? Yes, perhaps - considering the hormones coursing through your system! But not all bad - this way you can test and see the line get more defined each day. I am thinking of you, and I know you are dying to see that second line - but you'll just have to be patient!

  5. woah. I think you are crazy to test so early. Snap out of it. Pretend it never happened. I think it is way too early to tell.

  6. There is no way that study is accurate. I got my first BFP on 7dp5dt, and even then it was pretty light. Pretend it didn't happen because it means nothing.

  7. EB -- I missed the chance to get in here b/f you updated, but I have to agree: ignore. (How can you, of course, but, you know, try, I think.) It's way too early. Way too. Who knows how this will work this time, but I remember that I had a neg HPT on the morning of my positive beta after a 5 day transfer. (HGC level was 101.) So, you know, have your day -- PUPO. I wish this were easier. Love to you,

  8. ok crazy lady (said with LOVE) step away from the pee stick. I agree with all the ladies here, way early. those freaks on the internet how you you trust them?....oh wait a minute :) any way....I say wait 3 (now 2 more) days and test again. You have great chances of a hang in there enjoy your enforced bed rest and imagine the two lines showing up next time. ((hugs))

  9. You pulled the trigger too soon!!! I did a 5d transfer and got a BFN at 6 days and at 8 days. I got my BFP at 10 days. Just depends on implantation and so many other things. I understand you are anxious and could not resist the temptation because I did the SAME thing. I was so let down with those two negative results and just knew it was a bust. Just hang in there because patience is required during this time. Keep the positive thoughts going if you can. I am rooting for you.

  10. I was in the same boat as Dawn who posted already. My "sensitive to 15mIU" tests were decidedly negative at 7dp5dt and I believed them. I moved up my beta from 12 to 10dp5dt and, voila, my beta was 70. My son is now 33 months.
    Breathe and WAIT. If it is still negative at 8dp5dt then you miight have reason to believe it. But even then...

  11. Sweetie you've got to give them time to first implant which takes 2-3 days and then they will start making the HCG hormones that the test will pick up. 4 days post transfer, I agree with the others, is waaaayyyyyyyyy too early. I typically tested about 2 days before the scheduled beta. Good luck, we're all cheering you on!

  12. Echoing what the others said. You need to find something to keep yourself busy, which i know is hard to do when lying down for 7 days, but try a good silly romantic comedy on tv.
    And 5x5? You are on the right side of the stats, that's for sure!

  13. There aren't any sticks left to beat you with so I'll just hug you!



  14. Oh, goodie - everybody has already properly scolded you for putting too much faith in a test done WAY too early. Hello? What were you thinking NOT to check with us before doing something so damned dangerous? Just to add to what others have said, I did a 7dp3dt pee stick (= one day beyond what you just did) and stressed over the invisible line. Oh, and my first beta was a whopping 194. So stop the insanity and go back to wrapping gifts.

    Now I'm glad to hear you are forgetting "it" ever happened. Yes, order tests. Different kinds. Not just the two line kind, but also the digital kind. And then put them in a closet and WAIT. Doesn't Sunday sound like a nice day to test?

    That said, hugs, love and baby dust!

  15. Day 4?!?! Ah, well, the others have said it. WAY TOO EARLY! I'm so convinced you're pg. Just hang in there. The wait is the WORST part.

    Been meaning to email you. Just wait 9 months or so, and see how hard it is to type with a baby on your boob.

  16. Oh EB, silly girl! I did it to myself last cycle. I got my bfp on 7pdp5dt. I cried for 5 hours after getting a bfn on day 5. I think your chances are outstanding and the hard part will be to see how many there are. A big, big hug to you. BY the way, I think the person who posted some of those internet people were lying are right on!
