Monday, August 23, 2010

quick update

I called my doctor. I had to - i was hopeless and anxious, falling head first and unable to cope. She doubled my SSRI meds and ordered me to take my pain meds.

It worked. There was a moment this afternoon that was ...happy. i was cuddling my little girl, the boy was fast asleep nearby. For the first time in a long time I felt happy.

I don't have time to write a longer post or comment on others but I am reading when I can.


  1. Thumbs up. I, for one, was a tad worried for you. I can only imagine how much of an adjustment this has all been. I hope things improve, on all levels, day by day.

  2. I'm so glad you called your Dr. As you know, I was in the same boat, but I waited until 6 WEEKS to do anything about it. I seriously felt like I should have been stronger and therefore resisted the drugs. After 2 days on my meds, I already feel stronger and more able to cope. I'm so glad you're taking care of YOU. Because when mommy feels good, everyone is happy. try to stay calm and email me anytime to chat. We're in the same boat, my friend. or email me and I'll send you my phone number.

  3. Good for you! Not sure what SSRI meds are, but I like em! Keep on top of your emotional state, your hormones have just been officially scrambled. How is your back through all this? Take care!

  4. I'm so glad you called your doctor! I had to take SSRIs during my whole pregnancy as well as after. They were a big help. So glad you are feeling better!!

  5. I'm glad you didn't wait and just suffer through. It's a tough period for all new moms, and with two babies, I'm sure it can be double tough at times. But - oh! - joy for happiness! Even if it comes only in a moment or two at a time.
