Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cribs and strollers

We got most of our order - all except the mattress for one of the cribs so I shall hold off with the photo's till the room is really set. The stroller and car seats gets delivered fully assembled on Monday and I have packed my bag and the kids bags for the hospital. It felt great to put away some of the stuff, the clothing and diapers and oils etc. Feels like we are getting ready.

Now I just need to incubate the monkeys for another 5 weeks.

I seem to wake up in a bad mood these days. I can't sleep which doesn't help - last night I fell asleep at midnight and got up every hour to pee or feed an animal. Maybe this is what the third trimester is - bad moods and tiredness. I was so chipper in the second trimester. I guess being stuck inside doesn't help. With the humidity and heat here in NYC I am kinda screwed - we have no access to outside that also offers a bathroom ;-) Ah well. Small sacrafice.

Wonder how K is doing with her little two? If you're reading - drop a line and let us know.

Time for another Doctors appointment - check in with Dr J (aka crazy Dr J).


  1. "Maybe this is what the third trimester is - bad moods and tiredness. I was so chipper in the second trimester." Oh my God - this is SO me. The third trimester was absolutely no fun for me. I was HUGE the whole time and could only sleep for 90-minute intervals during the night before having to pee or change sides because my hips hurt. WHen you are done working, you won't be so moody from lack of sleep though, because you'll be able to nap several times per day. Also - I started sleeping a few hours per night in a recliner and now I can get 3 hours uninterrupted sleep in that chair. It's made a huge difference in my moods. Good luck.

  2. It is okay! They will grow and thrive!!

    EAT and REST!

