Sunday, October 9, 2011

Swimming up

I've had some very encouraging chats with head hunters and have some more to come so that has somehow taken some of the panic away. The best times are when I'm with the little ones. They make it all OK.

In other news - I walked a 10K today.  It was wonderful. I would have run more but the person I was with couldn't run so I stayed with her. We broke all the rules and walked on the runners course.  I paid for a 10K I was gonna do a 10K, damn it!

Thanks again for your posts. They are really helpful. 


  1. So glad you did a 10 K! Walking, running, whatever, it's still an accomplishment. :)

    Also so glad that the head hunter calls are going well. Keep your chin up!

  2. So glad you did a 10 K! Walking, running, whatever, it's still an accomplishment. :)

    Also so glad that the head hunter calls are going well. Keep your chin up!

  3. Oh EB -- what a thing! I'm glad you're already in the game and of course you'll have a ton of options, but still, what stress and worry. I can only imagine. . .how crappy. So glad you got out today and moved; that can only help, right? At least in the moment(s) and probably overall. You're very much on my mind dear one -- sending love.

