Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ginger and bananas

seems to work. at least I'm at work which is an improvement. thank you folks. I ordered the morning sickness pops (thanks BWUB).

I saw them again yesterday - they were both dancing, little arms and fists pumping and little legs going for it. They looked so cute.

The computer gives me motion sickness at the moment (mmn) so I am reading everyone's blogs but having a hard time commenting however, yeah! for Kate, Bottoms and Jill who all had great ER or ET's. All the luck in the world to each and every one of you.


  1. Zofran saved my sanity and probably my job...I waited and should have taken it sooner - if you do get it, make sure you ask for the dissolvable tablets - far superior to the pills you swallow!

    I took about 4 4mg tablets per day up until about 4 weeks ago - I cut it down to 2 and I have not taken any the last few days...my babies have always are measured ahead and are doing fine.

  2. How exciting to get to see your little beans again! I love those u/s. Hope the queasies go away soon.

  3. Thank you for the sweet wishes, and gosh darn sorry for the gakkiness, hope you find a way through (or around) all that. Ginger always helps me but I've never had morning sickness.
    So glad you little ones are waving! how incredibly cool is that!?
    Hope you feel better soon, xox Kate

  4. I hope the preggie pops work! I had to chuckle at the fact that the COMPUTER is making you nauseus! Poor EB! That's some serious motion sickness. Well try to rest when you can and I promise that when you get to your second trimester, you will feel better and will get to enjoy the pregnancy a little more. BTW, how is your back feeling?

  5. So happy to know you saw those dancing little ones. Hope you get the sickness under control and feel better soon.
