Friday, January 25, 2013

De Lurk

Its delurking week!!!

"Leave a comment in the comment section below admitting that you’re here. You can simply raise your hand and meekly admit that you’re here with a simple, one-word “here” comment; or you can proudly raise your hand and tell us all a bit about yourself 

Would LOVE to hear from you all. You have no idea what it means to read a comment. 

Here's an update
Somehow I have broken through at work. I don't want to run screaming out of the building. I do want to leave and I will but its a good .. learning experience. OK. They pay me. 

I have a script to read and develop with a very talented writer. 

Now the important stuff

I just bought a bunch of dinosaurs and I'm going to hide them around the house so that when the kids get up they have to find them. I am SO EXCITED!!!!

So, now its your turn .....


  1. Here.. mother of ivf twin girls :)

  2. Here, lurker via sprogblogger, mother of 4yo and 1yo with PCOS (me, not them).

  3. I'm here!!! Must know more about the script and writing! Exciting! Glad you are feeling more relaxed at work!

  4. Hello! I'm a fellow donor egg recipient. Mom of almost 5-year-old twin girls.

  5. Delurking! I've given up on children/infertility but I love reading your blog anyway - it's funny and down to earth.

  6. I read. Mom of twins and a singleton via IVF. My boys are 5. The baby is not quite 2. I'm at too.

  7. I read your last bit as "I bought a bunch of dinosaurs and I'm going to RIDE them around the house..."

    Which provided me with a much needed laugh this morning!

    I did love the idea that someone had found a place to buy live pteronodons, though, along with a saddle and bridle...

  8. I'm always here! :)
    Just sayin' hi.

  9. Here. Mom of a son via IVF (after 1 miscarriage and 2 failed IVFs). My son was born at 28 weeks and 5 days. He weighed 2 lbs 12 oz at birth. After 12 weeks in the NICU he is home and doing great (over 11 lbs). Have struggled with some postpartum depression but battling through. I really enjoy your blog, thanks for sharing.

  10. Enjoy your blog. 17 weeks pregnant with Donor egg after one failed ivf.

  11. Sorry to hear you didn't get the other job, but kudos to you for finding a way to cope. I often reach the "complaining" stage and find it hard to get beyond my own venting, so it's awesome and inspirational to read your post today. I do think dinos will help...both entertaining the kids and giving you a good smile (don't mind if I copy your idea!). You know I'm one of your long-standing fans. :)

  12. Here! With a 2 and a half year old daughter (used sperm donor after 2 failed IVFs).
