Friday, December 23, 2011

No ho ho ho

I got an email late last night from the company that I have had ten hours of interviews with. It's for a very high level job so the amount of interviews wasn't unusual. What was unusual was that the person with the budget, the person I would apparently report to knew NOTHING about why we were speaking? Turns out the global CEO wants someone like me in to manage this guy. Nice.

Anyhow. The email was from the HR person asking for a call. Today.  He told me they are not going to hire me. I'm petrified that I will never work again. I am furious at the company for being so totally disorganised about the whole thing. And for telling me this close to Christmas. I mean c'mon! This is really not cool.

Pip continues to be whiny and he puked all his diner up last night so we decided that it wasn't a good idea to go to the Christmas parties. Not fair on others. I'm still not well. Whaaa whaa whaa.

No job. No parties. No ho ho ho. :-(


  1. I'm so sorry the job didn't come through, EB. And that on top of that you're not feeling well and neither is Pip. Everything is hard, but i am sure it feels so much harder during the "festive" season. Take good care of yourself and your family. You will work again. I promise.

  2. So sorry you didn't get the job, and that they didn't communicate the news with more class. I hope you are all able to enjoy Christmas and that Pip feels better when he sees what Santa left him. Next year is just around the corner, and I'm sure brighter things are headed your way.

  3. Ugh! So unprofessional! Did they at least tell you why you didn't get the job?! I'm sure you would be great at it. What do they know? Anyway, what a low blow right before Xmas! I'm so sorry! I hope you all feel better soon. We've all had this virus for about ten days and though I am on the mend now, S and I are still pretty miserable. Hang in there - I am hoping the New Year brings you a fab job!
