Friday, January 25, 2013

De Lurk

Its delurking week!!!

"Leave a comment in the comment section below admitting that you’re here. You can simply raise your hand and meekly admit that you’re here with a simple, one-word “here” comment; or you can proudly raise your hand and tell us all a bit about yourself 

Would LOVE to hear from you all. You have no idea what it means to read a comment. 

Here's an update
Somehow I have broken through at work. I don't want to run screaming out of the building. I do want to leave and I will but its a good .. learning experience. OK. They pay me. 

I have a script to read and develop with a very talented writer. 

Now the important stuff

I just bought a bunch of dinosaurs and I'm going to hide them around the house so that when the kids get up they have to find them. I am SO EXCITED!!!!

So, now its your turn .....

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Didn't get the job

I was unceremoniously emailed by the ass that was running the search on Sunday. Obviously something I did or said ended my chances coz I was still in the middle of interviewing!

To say I was devastated is perhaps an overstatement. Did I really want to job? Yeah, but only to get me away from Psycho.

Well, here's a strange thing. After a melt down and some chocolate I took stock. I have a job. I work with nice people. I get home by 6.30pm most night so I get to see the kids. I can look for the next move whilst learning what I need. I will manage the psycho as best I can and see what happens.

When life gives you lemonade ...

Still pissed the guy emailed me tho.

 Now, you'll have to excuse me, the kids are re-enacting Spartacus in their bedroom

Sunday, January 20, 2013

6 months to holiday- ideas needed

Well, my dad turned 80 this year. It seems so old to me - I see him as a middle aged guy. Instead of trying to get over in these dark winter months we have all agreed to go over in the summer (June to be precise).

All the family and nr family will be there. We've hired a farmhouse and its cottages for a week nr the sea. I am totally psyched.

There is even an indoor pool which given the crap weather is a great thing.

And I am enormous.

So, here we go again. Weigh.tWatchers and exercise.  I have my resolve - bathing suit. I have my memberships (cheap gym and ww). I also have a bad knee  - I think I have damaged my ACL.

This means no running.

Anyone got any thoughts or experience about exercising when

a) no time
b) bad knee

My pledge is 30 pounds. Might not get there by June but will keep going till I do. 

Monday, January 14, 2013


I had 6000 page views last month. I've had 91K over all time.

Loving all the attention :-)

Kids are still on the mend although the cough that Mimi has belongs to a life long smoker of 88 years at least.

Even tho she's ill she is still amazing. Watching one of her programs tonight she was totally interactive and loving every moment. For some reason Pip doesn't want me or dad to interact. If we sing or clap he starts to get really shirty and says "no no no"

they may be twins but they are way different kids.

I have another round of interviews for a new job tomorrow. keep your fingers crossed please! I got to get away from my current nut job. I mean job.
Sorry Freudian slip.

he he he

Hope your all safe from the flu!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blech and Yay and Oops.

Is this layout better?

Pip is getting better by leaps and bounds. From not eating he is back to being his hollow legs self. Mimi is right in the middle of all this but is still a lovely kid. She is starting to be a little defiant tho. She looks right at me and does the thing she's not supposed to. Ah well.

There is still an enormous amount of snot but I don't seem to care !

I had forgotten what a funny little fella Pip is. All week he was just so limp. Now he's back on track he is dancing and singing again. He does this hilarious little dance which is a cross between hip hop and ballet. Hilarious.

I just realized i forgot to give him his medicine tonight.

Sigh. mother of the year

Saturday, January 12, 2013

flu, chest infection, croup x2

long week

longer night

soooooooooo much snot

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Does anybody else do this?

So Pip might MIGHT have caught a bug.  His temp was 99.7 using an ear thermometer. 

As I sit and write, here is what my brain is thinking:

Pip may have a temperature. 

I should go in and check, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 

It could be really serious

He might have banged his head

I'll probably have to take him to the ER

I should pack up my purse and get ready. 

I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 

I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 
I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 
I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 
I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 
I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. I should check his temperature, its been 5 mins since I last checked. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year

The party went remarkably well for our first attempt. I ended buying too much booze (we don't drink so I guessed!).  What a wonderful way ti start the year.

The kids refused to sleep. Pip kept saying "Party!" Made me fall over laughing.

Both DH and I are trying the Weight Watch.ers thing again. He is much more disciplined than I. However, I have a sociopathic narcissist for a boss so my stress levels are higher ;-)

I have found that my stress food is carbs in chocolate. Or is chocolate a carb? Anyway, it means that my arse has once again expanded. Middle earth spread, instead of middle age spread!

Tomorrow the kids and I going to be doing yoga. I figure if its too cold to go for a long walk we will do inside exercise. Anyone tried exercising with two toddlers at home? Any advice?

Now if you excuse me I have some carbs to eat.