Sunday, November 25, 2012

How was yours?

Thanksgiving? We failed.

We and by we I mean I forgot to buy the food.

The restaurant we booked in a rush was great - except it didn't serve Thanksgiving food, or Turkey at all!!

So, I had half a burger. Kids didn't really eat - they were too busy driving their dad nuts by trying to eat his meal.

Next year. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

School eviction!

Missed the Thanksgiving Parade even tho its three blocks over. Laughable really. Long story short - I was asleep and DH was on the couch. 

"nuff said. 

We did indeed get kicked out of playgroup. The leader sat there and told me that she had given Pip special one on one time and taught him a forward roll. Seriously. And then she said if I spent more time with the kids in class they might sit through story time. 

I then told her that the kids can read so sitting through story time is boring for them, that's why they don't sit down and if she spent more time on the kids and less time collecting money she might have noticed that my kids could read and had started basic writing skills. 

Oh it was wonderful. She even challenged me and in walked Pip reading from a book~!


Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I am so thankful for every one of you. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

PLans are afoot - school and beyond

Here's what we decided to do.

I will place an add on the city university sites for post graduate students in early development. I shall see if they want to work with my guys (and their friends) three sessions a week.  They need to have a full terms lesson plan and I will ask for nanny's or mummies to be present till we are all cool with the situation.

So there you go. Structured play/learning time and it will cost me much less than $80K.

Feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders.

Now I have to start planning next summers jaunt to the UK. It's my dad's 80s this month but instead of celebrating now we are pushing it off to the summer and hiring a bunch of cottages near a seaside town called Scarborough.
A trip the moon would take less planning. The flights ($6-7K!!) are the big expense but we started saving as soon as I got the full time job.  We will be shipping clothes and what not for the kids ahead of time since it take two flights to get to my folks and I am not waiting for bags.
No idea what to do about car seats since who knows how tall Mimi will be by then!!!

New school idea. Holiday planning. Think I need a project book!!!

Wait, isn't there a national holiday coming up. Argh, where do I get a turkey!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pre school opt out

Thinking about it. Opting out of the whole thing. We have a preschool of sorts. Its supposed to be a fully involved parent type thing. I have been to 1 class. As far as I can see the kids play for most of the time. Then they sit in chairs, sing a song and listen to a book. Then they do art and off we go.

The crazy ass teacher is thinking of chucking us out.

Which made me wonder.

Do I really have to have the kids in a preschool (cost in NY $15 - 40K each). (Yes, each). Can't I 'make' them a preschool with classes and if I write a stage appropriate curriculum they would learn the right things in time for school.

I just don't know why kids at 2 or 3 or even 4 need to be in 'school' at all.

Am I crazy?

I can easily get a student to teach my kids and maybe a whole bunch of others in our apartment.

Just to put this in perspective, my friend has a spreadsheet of preschools, psych testers approved by the afore mentioned preschools and what not. We want to put the kids in public school. But she says the same thing. I don't have an excel sheet!!!!

What do you think?

Home sweet holy crap its good to be home.

Our nomad days are done. Last Friday we came home to a warm home. Our warm home. Kids are still a bit wonky, sleeping lots and then totally hyper. Both kids seem to have enjoyed the little excitement but I am sure they could feel the stress we were trying hard to hide.

DH and I are trying really hard not to feel blue. Both of us! I know. What a fun couple we must be. I am making every effort to bull doze through as usual. Going to job from hell. Booking baby sitter for weekend (007 anyone).  Enjoy the kids.

The kids seem to be caring for us in their own toddler way. Lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses. OH MAN I LOVE MY KIDS.  Pip is suddenly mister social - doesnt want to leave any class or playground. Mimi wants her bed but waists quietly and patiently for MR PIP to come along already.

Here's what I am worried about. How will my depressions effect the kids in the long run? Do you ever feel that whatever you decide to do or not do you are screwed????

Friends don't let friends post when depressed. Sorry guys. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sandy'd and Snow

We are still not home.

We had to leave coz as soon as I posted my smug little post last time everything went off - lights, heat and water.

Off we trekked to the last hotel in NYC. A dump of magnitudes unknown. Bugs, mold BUT heat and hot water. I was still working full time and running the theatre show which closed on Sunday (as planned).

On Friday I got food poisoning.

Yup. Life has sucked.

We moved into less sucky hotel on Sunday - YIPEEEEEEEEEE

Now we have freakin' snow storm. I can hardly see outside my office window. BOOOOOO

Kids are fine. Luckily we got nice cribs/cots and their beloved nanny can come look after them again.

I am trying to stay positive but with my home life so disrupted the crazy ass mess is getting to me.

Lets hope we get to go home this weekend and put this all behind us.