Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 - what animal is it?

Well the holiday season was great fun and we got through the darkest months with love, joy and fun. I am always amazed and extremely grateful for this little tribe I'm part of. We might not be a big tribe but we certainly got lots of love.

On the flip side my folks are both not doing so well. My mother is in worse shape than my father both in heart, mind and body which means we decided to cash in some savings and go over sooner rather than later.  The threat of serious events is real but not immediate. However, my kids have been with their grandparents a total of 4 times total in their lives. Of course visiting the north of England in January is not exactly a beach vacation but I don't care - its the cheapest time to go.

Although the anxiety of traveling with two toddlers is daunting it's also less anxiety ridden. We've done this a four times now - each time they handle it well. We have to take two planes and a car ride to my folks house. Amazingly the car ride is the worse for the kids. They get car sick. I am getting little travel bands for them - the motion sickness ones (if I can find them) but any advice warmly received.

After such a lovely couple of weeks with my little tribe I have to say I'm a little apprehensive about returning 'home'. I love my folks and they love me but boy is it stressful. Lots of therapy for all of us would be great but since we are not only English but from Yorkshire that would never happen. So the old issues swirl and bubble and hiccup and trip me up when least expecting.

This trip I will not succumb to the eating relief. Usually, I keep it together all day and then at night tuck in to foods from my childhood in an unhealthy way.  That shall not be happening. I am taking my sneakers and running gear (we have to cheek luggage anyway) and will resolve things for myself in as a healthy a way as possible.

Wish me luck!


  1. Yorkshire in winter beats NYC in winter! Good luck with the logistics. We've found that as they get older, the kids are easier and easier to travel with. I'll bet you'll find this trip easier than the last.

  2. Good luck!!! That sounds very stressful in many ways and I hope you are able to spend some good time with your folks despite the tensions and old patterns. Take care:)

  3. Thinking of you at a difficult time and hoping you'll post about your trip.
